THE antelope social club

In a world when everyone is expected to have a voice and selling is all about personal relationships, senior business leaders need to ensure they have a say in the conversations happening in their industries.

With the pandemic taking away many of the opportunities for these conversations to happen face-to-face and virtual meetings missing the pre-amble chat where relationships are often formed, having an online social presence is more important than ever before.

Antelope helps drive business growth through employee advocacy and social selling by facilitating your senior management teams’ social platforms.

Antelope provides senior teams with a consistent and continuous presence with their contacts by managing their social media feeds through posts and thought leadership pieces. This can be project based to support bids or tenders for work, positioning around critical industry themes or on an on-going basis to raise profiles and be top of mind for work winning.

We appreciate that sometimes senior management need to see the benefits of boosting their social presence before they commit time into supporting this in already busy schedules. Our approach kickstarts their presence and illustrates the results with limited initial time from them to create a presence to build from.

We can work alongside your in house team to train your senior team to understand how to manage their social profile, what works and doesn’t work when it comes to social selling and how to differentiate between a good story and posting content that gets flicked not clicked.

Want to find out more? Call Hayley Lee on 07771 785152 or email on

Pix with thanks to: Nathan Dumlao via